Dear Family,
After going out with my friends last weekend I was fired up and inspired that my kids have it too easy. So starting Monday they had to make their own lunches in the morning and usually their own breakfasts too. Robyn and Taylor were exempt although Robyn has become a LITTLE more self-sufficient. The experiment has brought forth such gems as:
"What! You expect me to stir my own hot chocolate!"
"If I have to keep taking care of myself in the morning I am going to have to get up at 6:30! That is so unfair!"
"Mommy still makes me breakfast...nanny, nanny"
"I can have Top Ramen every day now!"
So amidst my cringes about nutrition, kids have taken less in their lunches, not brought back any leftovers, raided our supply of lean pockets and top ramen and other microwavable treats full of preservatives, and Jeremy has patiently taught them how to make their own egg sandwiches in the microwave. Figure its time for them to grow up a bit and I sure like not having to do it for them.
Christmas came a little early for me this week as my little hutch arrived. Jeremy despite my extremely feeble assistance managed to manhandle it from the truck into our dining room. He also picked up our family photo so just going into our dining room right now puts a smile on my face. I hung up some wreaths to celebrate although I still need to find some ribbon to pretend hang them with on top of the fish line.
Other highlight was that Friday night I was able to go see New Moon and go out to dinner afterward with two of my friends. Loved the movie and the girls screaming when Jacob took off his shirt just made me laugh. Jeremy stayed home with kids despite his numerous offers for fun that night - photo pass to an MAA fighting event, a friend's photo book release party, and a volleyball game. Jason called it "double emasculation" - watching kids while wife sees New Moon. I call it pretty darn awesome. Right next to asking Saturday morning as we finish cleaning the house for his event "What can I do to help". The expressions of true love that you don't appreciate till you have kids. The best part was that Allison was having a late girl's night with her friend Sarah as she was missing Sarah's birthday party. So he had two giggling girls demanding pizza, hot tub, and ice cream and movie. You might notice in the photo I had my hair done. I say "might" as I was informed that it looks just the same. Not what you want to hear after you pay the hefty tab at the salon! Oh well, at least the roots are gone!
Allison just came to me with a clump of hair and a pair of scissors. Robyn says her hair is starting to be too long. Can't tell where she did it. Lots of tears and deflections going on. This morning while I was in the shower thinking how nice it was that I didn't have to worry about what kids were doing while I got ready. Came down to Robyn screaming because she cut her finger with a knife while trying to cut an orange. Not too bad though. Spencer was in the next room oblivious to the danger going on next to him. Robyn has had a good week. My neighbor's grandma died so we were able to babysit her friends. Friday afternoon it reached a high of 60 and was sunny. They all thought that meant it was time to break out the sprinklers. So they went hot tubing instead.
She continues to love her dance class and her preschool. In dance this week she learned how to skip so she has been skipping hands on hips all over the place. Jeremy suggested making a video of her with Riverdance music going on behind her. At school she learned a song/story of a worker in a clock factory who spilled glue. She repeats the last chorus whenever she gets a chance:
Jeremy had some fun events this week. Monday night he went to dinner with his photo friends to meet with this well known photographer. Tuesday night he drove up with a friend to hear a presentation by this photographer. And then Saturday he hosted a concealed weapons permit class all morning at our house with 20 of his friends. So Friday night and Saturday morning we cleaned and then the kids and I left for a few hours.
Spencer had a pie making class at the rec center Saturday morning with his friend. They made 2 mini-pumpkin pies, 1 chocolate cream pie and 1 cherry pie. He was quite proud of the fruits of his labors and was reluctant to share for a bit. Only comment on the class was that instructors were really good but really bossy - you had to follow their instructions exactly. Told him that is what learning to cook is all about.
Allison, Robyn and I trolled Walmart for an hour. They each found a remnant of fabric to make mini-tissue pack holders for their friends. Then Allison and her friend were off to open gym to fool around doing flips etc. for an hour and a half. Little girl heaven. After collecting all the kids and getting dressed up we were off for their Christmas piano recital. We are rushing the seasons a little bit! Spencer has been playing Rudolph constantly since before Halloween! They both did great. Allison and I played a duet and she had two false starts which made her nervous but she did it. Spencer was running up to the stage and did his by memory. Messed up one chord but just kept on going. They were a little disappointed that our post recital celebration consisted of cleaning the office (I admit scrubbing the toilets and emptying garbages never gets them very excited - even under the best of circumstances). But they got to come back and eat lots of pie and watch a movie with Meredith all suitably tired out and into that giddy, parents are so glad to be leaving them behind stage.
If you have figured out everything that happened Saturday you can understand why Jeremy and I were so happy to go out to dinner and just sit with quiet adult conversation. Then we went over to sort through Lauri's stuff for a few hours and bring another truckload here. We keep finding things that we need to save mixed up with everything else. Like a marriage license under a box of old garfield mugs. The contractor is scheduled to start Dec. 1 so our deadline is getting close.
Taylor has had an on/off type of week. Its always hard to tell if little seizures are bothering him or if he isn't feeling well. As you can see below if Jeremy isn't around Rocky REALLY likes Taylor eating. After we painted we decided to try Taylor up at the table. Its been nice having him not off to the side. We have to be careful of his reach as when he is searching for a cup or having a seizure those arms go flying.My favorite part of Sunday is about to begin. Robyn is ready for bed and Spencer and Allison have books and are laying by the fire with pie filled bellies. Think I need to join them!
Love to you all, Heather
Sunday, November 22, 2009
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