Monday was full of school open houses and assesments. Last minute school errands and a trip to the doctor to make sure Allison didn't have strep. She doesn't, just blisters all over her throat from allergies and a cough that still won't stop. And then Tuesday morning came:
Spencer is excited about all his classes and teachers. He has been sharing with us all week the things he has been learning in seminary. We had to go out Wednesday night to get all his school supplies and learned that you have to buy before the teachers give you their supply lists as the shelves are stripped bare. He has recognized a lot of kids in his classes from Lincoln or from church which has been nice. Its hard for me to tell if his new ADHD medicine we added is helping but it seems to be. He is still loving cross fit and enjoys showing off how he can flex his arms now. He is doing PE every other day as well so he gets nice and tired every night - just the way I like him.
An hour later, Taylor was off to school. He wasn't so happy:
He would not lift up his head or smile for me once I put his daffos back on and put him in his chair. He has a new teacher this year and is in a new classroom that is huge and will allow him to walk around more. He has been happy and chirpy and laughing often at home for us despite the fact that he really isn't eating anymore. Tomorrow we see the poop doctor and we will see what we can do to improve things. Monday I actually drove up to Riverton Primary's as I had written the appointment down for a week later. So we got to enjoy some nice quality car time. Despite things not doing great digestively, Taylor hasn't been this happy on a continuous basis for a long time. Except for the early school mornings. He still seems in shock when I get him up.
While boys were off to school the girls and I got to attend a swim party with their Lincoln friends. Such a tough life. That evening Robyn had her first dance class for the year. She was in heaven. She has her favorite teacher again and they taught all these little girls a 'sassy' dance. Robyn was grinning ear to ear. Tuesday night was also the girls' swim team awards. Spencer had scouts and Jeremy had a photo event he was committed to. So our brave girls did the awards by themselves with neighbors to look out for them. They each got their ribbons, had ice cream and got to swim some more. I had to drop off Robyn late to the awards. They were doing the awards on the track next to the pool and Robyn couldn't understand why I didn't pull into the pool parking lot. So with two towels in hand she set off or so I thought to go across the track to Allison. No wheelchair access for Taylor so I stayed on the side to watch her. She went past the bleachers, to the pool, hucked the towels over the fence and started climbing. I raced around in the car to find her just sobbing. So I am grateful for friends who waved her over and looked out for Allison and Robyn the rest of the night. While they were doing the awards I got the opportunity to teach the Mia Maids. I had a great time. Taylor got to come too and I am sure loved being surrounded by all these gorgeous 14 and 15 year olds. That was my first time ever teaching the young women. I am amazed at their ability to know what it truly important already in this life.
Wednesday morning with a girly first day of school breakfast of pancakes, the girls were off.
Allison had a pocketful of cough drops and Robyn was loving her new boots. This year Robyn and Luke are not in the same class, they are a little sad about it.
But both girls are loving their teachers and their classes. Notice Robyn's nanny mcphee smile. Jeremy on Thursday night convinced her to let her finally yank her baby tooth out with some needle nose pliers with promises of ice cream cones and using gum numbing medicine. It didn't have any root left on it at all and her adult tooth was already in. I had to leave the room, I am too much of a chicken when it comes to stuff like that. Give me regular blood and guts. Robyn came down Friday yelling that the tooth fairy hadn't come. Luckily our kids have lots of experience with a late tooth fairy and excuses notes so she pointed out the lightening storm all night must have kept her away.
Friday night our ward's father/daughter camp out was cancelled due to rain. So Jeremy took the girls out for ice cream, took Allison to a birthday party and Robyn invited friends over for a late night movie/popcorn event. After a week of school activities this weekend everyone was happy to spend this weekend being slugs.
I did do a happy dance with kids going back to school and have been slowly putting the house back in order and enjoying some bike rides up in the canyon. The early morning alarm clock and running once again in the dark seems like a bad dream still. But we are getting back into the school schedule and realizing that we have to go to bed earlier and can't fall asleep on the floor after family prayer. Our garden is resembling a forest:
Every year I think I haven't planted enough and then I always end up trying to keep up with all the produce. I couldn't believe our kids actually said, "BLT's again?!" this week. We all agreed beet cake was pretty good but only I was willing to drink beet smoothies.
Jeremy has had some photo events this week and continues looking for opportunities to do his calling. This week he did a missionary opening his mission call, people posing in what not to wear and what to wear to job interviews, and a BYU football fan event. Throw in a photo class he hosts at the studio once a month and he is kept hopping.