We went to a museum with a 1800s crazy quilt and I thought of Christina. Allison and Robyn at the baseball game - who wants to look at the game when you can play with each other.

Despite his look Taylor enjoyed the game and cooler weather.

Robyn kept wanting to be entertained during the game.

The girls love to paint. Allison had Grandma teach her to knit.

Rocky helped clean up the s'more mess on the kid's faces
Mom taught Spencer to knit as well. He has been persevering all week in his attempts but hes had a much harder time of it - good practice for keeping his temper and patience.
Dear Friends and Family,
Our kids love zucchini - not to eat it but for zucchini bread especially chocolate zucchini bread. So we have been indulging this week with the first zucchinis of the season. Spencer is on cooking dinner on Mondays so he is set to make chicken zucchini casserole. Summer must be here.
My parents were here Monday and Tuesday. They slaved away in the heat making a raspberry trellis and working on a sandbox. They did a ton of work. I mentioned it at a Relief Society event Tuesday night and had a neighbor mention they accidentally got 2 extra cubic yards of sand that they needed to get rid of. Another neighbor had a bunch of rock they needed to get rid of. So Jeremy spent Thursday night shoveling rocks and Saturday carting over sand. The kids are loving it. As soon as it was filled the kids were out there. They came in for lunch brushing their feet off after Jeremy reminded them to brush off all the sand first. Then as they stood in the middle of the kitchen Jeremy pointed to the sand everywhere and asked them to go back outside and brush off their legs, arms, bottoms etc.
Spencer started 2 weeks of summer school on Monday. He is gone every morning from 8:15 to 12. Taylor has school 3 days of the week where the bus picks him up at 8 and 12:20. So its a little tight and busy getting everyone off on time. I think I was getting too used to sleeping in and staying up late. Spencer's school is talking all about inventions and he has had a great time. He comes home ready to eat lunch and hang out reading comic books or playing games for a few hours.
On Friday we celebrated 7-11 day with slushies on our way to see an Orem Owlz baseball game. Spencer had earned free tickets at his school. We only made it to the bottom of the 7th inning before Robyn was way too giddy and tired. Kids mostly enjoyed all the non-game stuff like the playground, cooler weather, dancers etc. Jeremy and I got to meet Collin Raye who was there with an acquaintance of Jeremy's, which was cool. Collin was there with his 8 year old granddaughter who is in a similar state as Taylor.
On Friday the kids and I got to meet a friend in her backyard to eat a picnic lunch and pick cherries off her tree. We had a great time catching up and have been busy making cherries jam since. Today we are going to tackle a pie. Last night Jeremy and I got to go out to dinner, see a movie (Hancock) and walked around the shops. We picked up a cherry picker because every year I make jam and declare we need one - so finally we bought one. Kids are all excited to try it out this afternoon.
Thursday the kids and I and Meredith went to a new local museum. It was a very eclectic collection but really interesting. From pioneer and city of Lehi history to the bugs, rocks and fossils of the US. Kids all were given a rock to start their own collection at home.
Rest of the week was normal summer stuff, getting my permanent crown in, taking kids to gymnastics, piano etc, trying to paint some in the basement, getting Allison's hair cut, getting safety and emissions done on the van, trying to write my church lesson, etc. It sees like its always a matter of choices - I can choose to mow the lawn or paint the basement - always something not being done. I am getting better at just letting it go as there is never time to do everything you should do.
Jeremy only had meetings from 6 to 6:30am today so he came home and made breakfast and did the dishes - most relaxing, easy Sunday morning I have had in a long time. Has made the whole day seem easier. Jeremy has been working hard this week to loose weight. Of course kids don't help diets - when you are trying not to eat, they are constantly asking for snacks which you have to prepare. Jeremy is sticking it out. He found a used recumbent exercise bike on Craig's list which he got this week and has been trying it out. The gears sound a little rough so we are looking into doing a tune up.
Love to you all and really looking forward to seeing my side of family in 3 weeks! Heather