Dear Friends and Family,
We have suffered from the Mother's Day curse since Taylor was born - that doesn't sound too good, Taylor wasn't the cause. It is just that every Mother's Day since someone has been sick or in the hospital. Last Mother's Day for the first time EVER everyone was happy and healthy and doing well. This year Allison's ankle that we were worried yesterday might be broken is just sprained and only bothers her a little bit. Jeremy's bad cold has him miserable but he is up and functioning. So things are looking up for us!
Seriously, it has been a wonderful day. Taylor had a bag of candy attached to his wheelchair saying "please take one and wish Taylor a Happy 14th Birthday". So he had lots of kids and young men and women wishing him a happy birthday. And when we got home Spencer walked him outside to the swing to cuddle with him while he read. Taylor is clapping and chirping and quite happy about his day. On Saturday we are having his big birthday BBQ. Taylor's seizures have been improving since Sunday so its almost back to his normal 2 a day. He sees the neurology department people Tuesday for his follow-up.
Girls eagerly watched me open their little presents they made at school while Spencer made me cheesecake brownies that I was informed I didn't have to share unless I really, wanted too (this was said with hungry, sad eyes looking at me). Jeremy is cooking us steaks for dinner, I have flowers on my counter and a pretty watch on my wrist. Add in some sunshine and a walk with Rocky and life doesn't get much better (perhaps in my dreams but days of cherubic children aren't reality).
This week we had several big events with the countdown to school letting out. Spencer took part with his class in a 5th grade children's chior they do at BYU. Four thousand children take up one side of the Marriott center with their shirts making up a gigantic flag. It is a huge, spectacular production and was very cool. Robyn and I drove kids down Tuesday morning for their dress rehearsal. Afterward we grabbed some creamery ice cream cones before heading back to school. While at the Creamery, they were shooting ads and asked if they could use Robyn. So we are getting some free ice cream coupons and Robyn gets to be in print:
Tuesday night only I went to the performance as its a bit of a zoo and Jeremy did kids and ballet chauffeuring. I took a bunch of video that I will put up later.
Allison on Wednesday night had her end of the year choir concert. It amazes me what a bunch of elementary students can do. They mostly sang Disney songs and had a great time.
Jeremy and Spencer had the Father's/Son campout this weekend. Elder's Quorum was in charge of it particularly one of his counselors who excels at finding cool new ways to have fun. So Thursday night was spent taking the trailer up the canyon and setting up and then Jeremy and Spencer were gone Friday and Saturday. This is done amid Jeremy being miserably sick and leaving work to come home collapse in bed with some thera-flu and then get up, work on the camp out and then come back to collapse. But sick as he was they both had a great time. They have another scout campout this weekend at the Sand Dunes. Spencer is loving this life. He came home Saturday and even though he took his pills this time, he still went to bed for a couple of hours. It makes for a quiet afternoon and then a happy Spencer when he wakes up!
Since is was a girl's night with Taylor along for the ride, Robyn and Allison had a sleepover. They slept together in Robyn's room. In fact they slept so well that when I came back from my early morning run to find out that I had locked up a little too well while I was gone, they didn't wake up to the door bell for an HOUR AND A HALF. I got a lot of weeding done. But I decided that running in the cold spring air feels good, weeding really doesn't until the sun comes up. Allison had a cooking birthday party on Saturday so she didn't feel deprived of having fun at all.
Earlier this week I went to tour my neighbor's mom's garden with a group of friends. I was suitably inspired and enjoyed my hour out with other adults.I want to make one of these sign posts for our back yard. I thought it was so cool.
We have had lots of really cold and windy days lately. So Friday and Saturday with the brief appearance of the sun, I spent the two days working outside. Our yard is looking greatly improved and Robyn is no longer asking why I planted so many weeds.
Robyn is holding my arm and whining and Taylor is signing food. Must be time to cook dinner. Love to you all and Happy Mother's Day.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
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