This week I was blessed to have my mom and sister-in-law Griselda come into town for BYU Women's Conference. My mom came a little early to spend a few days visiting and then she and Griselda stayed at BYU in the dorms and I met them there for the classes. Friends, family, BYU brownies and amazing inspirational speakers - really what better way to recharge oneself. My only complaint was that I didn't have enough time to visit!
Taylor wasn't doing too good Wednesday. Thursday, Jeremy had to knock him out to get the seizures to stop. Friday morning he seemed to be doing better so I sent him off to school before heading to BYU. But he went quickly downhill during the day. So I left to come pick him up, drop off kids from school and go up to the Primary Children's ER. By the time we got there he was constantly seizing, he had over 100+ that day, had a high fever, high heart rate, trouble breathing etc. It took two more anti-seizure emergency meds to slow the seizures down. Figured out that constipation was the problem...again. So he spent the weekend in Primary's getting a clean-out. Lovely process. Now we have a better game plan from the GI doctors to try at home to hopefully prevent this from happening again. It involves a home clean out every two weeks. I will buy some new air fresheners!
On the plus side I caught up with some wonderful books. My mom and Griselda stayed the night at our house and provided some much appreciated children support. And I got to be at Primary's for Fast Sunday and attend church there. They have a thirty minute sacrament meeting every Sunday and you cannot imagine a more spiritual place to be as people testify of the reality of the resurrection and atonement and how they will be healed someday but can receive comfort now. Wow, pass the tissues. Taylor got to come home today. He is not back to normal yet but he is to the point I am comfortable having him home.
Friday night I missed it but Spencer had a piano recital.
I was grateful the Jeremy and my mom cheered him on. His teacher and Spencer's playing is more in the fun level. I am working on this as my goal is to get him to be able to play the hymns and then he and I will gratefully quite this piano business!
My mom was able to help me host my last Just Desserts for the year. I am not sure if I will repeat it again next year but I have loved getting to know my neighbors better and solidifying some friendships. Plus its a great excuse to make something yummy and know I won't be eating all the leftovers.
Jeremy had a busy week. He had work. He worked on the coop. He had two different photo shoots. He had a convention he helped with Thursday through Saturday. Plus he had to be Mr. Mom. We are all going to bed early tonight!
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