Today we are celebrating Father's Day. I have been blessed with an amazing dad who continues to be an example to me of who I want to be someday. And we are celebrating Jeremy's role as the dad of our family. Kids got up without grumbling to make him omelets and Allison has been hard at work making dinner for him. This will be the 24th Father's Day we have spent together if you count the one when we were engaged and just thinking about being parents someday. He still surprises me everyday with how much he does for our family. The above picture was taken at our city's rodeo Thursday night. One of our favorite traditions. Watching wild cow milking and eating strawberries and cream while kids manage to talk a mile a minute to share every thought they ever had. Can't be beat. Taylor stayed home as the rodeo is not his favorite and because he has been struggling a bit lately. So today we left after sacrament and this is how Jeremy spent a portion of his Father's Day:
Just constipation again or obstication is how the doctor put it. After x-rays to make sure that it what we were dealing with. They sent us home with syringes and the doctor's favorite recipe for homemade enemas. Yummy. We have lit candles, opened windows and are prepared for the deluge. If it doesn't work then back in we go and they will admit him and do it at the hospital with different contraptions that aren't as pleasant. I have been putting off taking him in as he isn't in shock yet but as he once again refused to eat this morning and Jeremy pointed out that I was leaving for Girl's Camp Tuesday, we decided we better get him feeling better before I leave. Not much fun for Taylor but hopefully things will improve soon.
Taylor has been enjoying the last two weeks of summer camp every day. We take him at 9 and pick him up at 3. They work on goals and crafts and play games in the morning and then he either swims or does field trips in the afternoon. He comes home tired and happy, ready to nap until it cools down again. And then if he is lucky Jeremy takes him for a drive in the convertible and then lets him hang out in the grass while he washes the car.
I have appreciated having a driver this week as Spencer has been helping me out when I had to work three mornings. He took Taylor to camp and the girls to piano. I think he enjoys the responsibility. He even drove himself to get his hair cut. He is working usually 3-4 days a week which keeps him busy. This week he is off for his high adventure of canoeing the Gunnison River.
Allison got to spend a week at EFY which she loved. She was a little nervous about who her room-mate would be as she didn't go with any friends. But she lucked out and made a new great friend from California.
She said she tried really hard to be friendly and outgoing to everyone and can't wait to go back next year. After hearing all her stories about the boys in her group, Jeremy is appreciating his new shirt that says: "Rules for Dating my Daughter: #1 You Can't".
And if you go to EFY, lunch at the creamery with your Mom beforehand is required:
With Allison and Taylor gone one morning I was able to go hiking with Spencer, Robyn and our friend Blake. Who knew this gorgeous hike was just up the street from us?
This week has been Strawberry Days for our city. So we have been enjoying all the festivities. Jeremy took Robyn to the fireman's pancake breakfast:
Robyn and Taylor got to tag along with me as I went with Allison and Mia Maids to the concert in the park:
And of course the rodeo! Allison and her friend and Jeremy got to volunteer at the concession stand one night. Allison said her forearms have never been so sore from pouring cream all night! It turned out that a bunch of kids from our ward happened to volunteer at the same time and same place so they had a great time.
And then there is our small town parade. Robyn decorated her sun hat and had her candy bag ready along with her friend Jill. Alas we forgot sunscreen and a canopy so Jeremy and Allison have slight sunburns on half their body! After the parade Robyn and Jillian had Allison pour ice water over them!
For Jeremy's Father's Day date I gave him many options. He got a massage and then picked going with our family to a beach family festival and out to Chubby's. Allison refused to make hamburgers for Father's Day as she hates them so he has to get his meat somewhere! Kids thought it was a great way to spend an evening:
Robyn has been having swim team every morning but did time trials Thursday and Friday mornings. That meant she had to be at the pool by 6:30. That means I have to be up as well! I know she loves swimming when after staying up till midnight for the rodeo she is up and ready to go before 6 am and has a smile on her face.
We have been at the pool a bunch this summer. Robyn has a new game: teach Mom how to swim better. She really enjoys telling me everything I am doing wrong! She and her friend Jill have been trying to babysit more for a family down the street. They attempted one night time babysitting experience and when the 2 year old wouldn't stop crying they called the parents. Robyn felt like such a failure. Then Allison told her about having to call me to come help her with a baby who wouldn't stop crying and now Robyn has a game plan for next time. Robyn and her friend Jill spent a week planning a babysitting field day for kids at our house. They made games, crafts and snacks and then had a few kids over for two hours. All were super tired and happy at the end of it.
Jeremy has been having kids help him make a water station for the chickens and is quite pleased with how it's working. No more chickens going without water when it's 100 degrees outside. Not that kids ever forget to do all their jobs around here!
I stumbled across your blog by looking at your Schnoxies picture. I have the same dog and boy is she the apple of my eye. As I continued to look at your pictures, and see your beautiful family, I see that you have a son with disabilities. Well I do too! I don't know why but I have tears in my eyes because I feel the love you must have in your heart all of the wonderful things you are doing for and with your family. I hope you post more about your beautiful life. God bless all of you.
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