As you can see from above, Monday, Spencer went bike shopping with Jeremy. After deciding that walmart bikes in the small adult sizes were a joke they bought a nicer bike. Spencer was a little unsteady after not riding a bike for a few years and crashed in the store while trying it out. His bike is a bit big for him but just fits at the lowest setting. Figure he will grow into it. The blood on his leg from the crash and the rain did nothing to dampen his spirits. He got up early at 6 so he could be all ready for school and spend the time before school riding laps around the block. Jeremy was super dad as he also fixed Allison's tires, so we now have two bikers in the family. After school every day this week, Spencer and Allison have set off for a mile long "big kids only" bike ride. Robyn has had tears but the big kids have been grinning ear to ear. Spencer has crashed a few times so he has been diligent in wearing his helmet. He has gotten some grief about wearing a helmet from some kids down the block but so far he has resisted caving into the insults.
This week spring arrived. It has been either cool and sunny or super windy. Kids have been breaking out shorts and running around outside whenever the wind dies down. Robyn and I planted pansies and "Alice in wonderland flowers" and pulling up buckets of weeds. We now have patches of our yard that look good. In the spring I always have high hopes for our yard. We planted a bunch of seeds inside and are waiting to see if they will grow. I am trying to grow tomatoes and peppers from seed this year, which I have never done.
This was a week of performances. Spencer's class put on their 5th grade opera Friday night. I was able to go for the two dress rehearsals and see the behind the scenes work. There were two 5th grade classes who performed. Spencer's class was all student directed. They wrote it, choreographed it, picked the songs etc with a little teacher guidance. They had a great time doing it. The other class was teacher written and directed and was a very formal affair. Two totally different approaches and each class thought they were the best. Friday night was a bit packed as before the opera, Allison had her piano recital. My "magic box" (a tin full of that weeks small candies) was called into service by Robyn but she stuck it out. Allison did awesome and had no worries or stage fright at all. She felt a little bad that 3/4 of the students were playing harder songs but for where she is at, she did really good.
Tuesday night Jeremy spent it at our neighborhood caucus. It was packed and turned into a very long event. But he stuck it out and voted for our neighbor to represent us. He also got to go to an informal photo shoot one night and do baby portraits one night at our house. He is trying to get back into taking pictures again now that organizing Photocamp is over.
Robyn's cough from a week ago has been incubating and finally caught up with me. So I have been hacking away and unable to talk or function too much at times. Friday we had a combined stake auxiliaries luncheon. There was a freak snowstorm for the few hours we had it while we ate salads and lemonade inside. I think the ladies were eyeballing my food as I sucked on my cough drop with trepidation. Saturday night Jeremy and I did initiatory at the temple instead of an endowment in case I started coughing. And of course I did. There is something about knowing you can't cough which just makes me loose it. Little ladies were bringing me cups of water, tissues, cough drops etc. I am sure they used plenty of hand sanitizer as I left. But I don't feel sick anymore, I just have that annoying can't stop it cough.
One of my week's highlights though was that I got to go get my hair done. There is something about sitting in a salon being taken care of that just makes me feel good. So now I am a true blond again. I tell my girls that I pay every couple of months just so my hair can look like theirs. I was also able to go with Nicole, Mimi's sister while she met with the seamstress to have her wedding dress altered. Robyn loved to see her looking like a princess.
Next week at this time I will be wearing shorts in Arizona. Can't wait. Jeremy is going to drive down with the kids and me, fly back and then fly down again to drive back with us. I was a little nervous at the idea of driving by myself with kids so I greatly appreciate his efforts.
Spencer went to his first scout meeting this week. They talked about their upcoming camp out next month which has him very stoked. Had two sweet moments this week. I really wasn't sounding too good Thursday and Friday as I hadn't discovered overdosing with Chloreseptic yet. Spencer and Allison got up early Friday by themselves and were all ready for school by the time I came to get them out of bed. And then Saturday they set their alarm so they could wake up while I was running and I returned to find they had made me an omelet for breakfast. They took Jeremy breakfast in bed and made omlets for themselves and Robyn as well. Spencer was chef and Allison was general dogsbody. Trying to remember things like that when we have hissy fits over objects being lost, the right shirt not being washed etc.
Love to you all and hope you have a wonderful Easter. Kaelan, Happy Birthday!

A couple of late additions. This first one is Allison's recent piano recital.
And a short highlight reel of the 18 minute "5th grade opera" he participated in.