We had a white Christmas this year with several snow storms blowing through, snow shovels and quads going to work, sleds getting used and a good excuse to turn on the fireplace. Our gingerbread houses actually worked that we made Sunday thanks to industrial strength frosting:

Monday we cooked pies and got ready for Christmas. Just as our kids were about to be sent to their rooms and have Christmas be cancelled, cousins arrived. There is something about the morning of Christmas Eve that creates instant chaos and bickering - not what should happen but what does. Luckily we went off through the snow to go ice skating. For the first time I couldn't go out or push Taylor around the ice. Kelly did everything solo with kids and they had a wonderful time. Then it was back home for nachos, hot tub, snow ball fight, watching Arthur's Christmas and reading Twas the Night before Christmas (we do the nativity story the eve of Christmas eve when things are usually calmer and quieter). And then everyone crashed early eager for Santa to come:
We told our kids they couldn't wake us up till 7:30. At 7 they were lightly tapping rhythms on the wall and waiting impatiently on the landing. Off for stockings, french toast and presents.
Taylor with a tummy full of french toast opened his big present and then lived in it all day:
Kids when they would open a box, "oooh its an amazon box. wow - that means its a good one"
Allison was very excited to get a gift card to get her ears pierced and some new earrings.
My mom made Robyn a tent for her room that she lives in right now:
Spencer got an air soft gun from Santa as I would never buy one. While I was busy playing legos upstairs with the girls I was listening as Jeremy showed Spencer how it felt to be shot - first on the legs, then the arms and then as he scoffed that doesn't really hurt - on the hand. I don't think he is going to shoot anyone on purpose now. He has been busy setting up targets in the garage to shoot.
Wednesday Allison and her friend Andra with parents along for their ride went as they got their ears pierced. A fun occasion for us all:
Thursday we got to enjoy a BYU Basketball game. Our kids were more interested in hopping up and down the stairs, dancing with the cheerleaders and talking but we all had fun. Friday we went to the Leonardo museum with a few friends. Its like a children's museum for teens and grown-ups and is super cool.

So it has been a great Christmas break so far with copious amounts of chocolate eaten, mom disappearing for a few minutes at a time to regain some sanity and kids running around like banshees or lying around saying they were bored. I finally took my boot off for keeps on Friday. It is almost back to normal size and I figured after two weeks it was time to start toughing it out more. Its greenish and sore but is working pretty good. The hardest part right now is putting shoes on. But the best part of the week has been for me seeing family together. Visiting on the phone or in person. Seeing kids make good choices (especially when the day before they had made poor choices). Just makes me grateful for family and for friends that feel like family. My favorite moment of the whole week has been watching Jeremy, Spencer and Allison wash up all the dishes Christmas night: