Last night Kelly and her girls came over for a girls night. Soup and cake, woman's broadcast and stuffing Easter eggs made for a fun night. Spencer has been waiting for his birthday dinner with Jeremy so they left the girl filled house to go to Spencer's favorite place - Tucanos. Spencer commented that his stomach isn't as big as it used to be. Jeremy even let him drive the convertible there and they searched for two geo-caches so Spencer had a great evening out.
Spencer lately has been going out on long walks and bike rides often taking the girls in tow in search of nearby geo-caches. I love it as it gives him a purpose to go exploring. This week Spencer had registration for his junior year. I miss the days of meeting with counselors where they do all the work for you. Instead we race home from school, Spencer logs onto the computer as soon as it hits 3 and tries to register for all the classes he wants. Frustration is the name of the game. But he got into every class he wanted but one and that one he is appealing with the teacher. Volleyball continues and he still loves it.
Allergies and sunshine hit this week. Almost everyone in our house in on Clariten. Taylor sounds like a fog horn as he breathes. We set up a humidifier in his room which will hopefully help out. Robyn's allergic reaction has calmed down on her face although her cheeks still feel like sandpaper. Lots and lots of lotion as I am afraid to use any more hydracortesone.
The girls are in count down mode for their play. They don't have rehearsals every day but almost for the next month. They love it but it also tires them out.
Jeremy is wrapping up a bunch of projects which hopefully means he will get some down time soon. Busy is great but busy all the time gets hard. But he still finds time to keep our dog looking good - an all kids on deck affair. While I was at YW this week I get a text from Jeremy - Robyn came home from activity days. I came upstairs to find her rather unsuccessfully giving Macho (our cat) a bath in the kitchen sink. Our kids love their pets.
Allison interviewed this week to do PALs next year. Its where you help incoming 7th graders. She was excited to be accepted.
Rest of the week was full of odds and ends that keep everything busy. Had to go back and forth with the pharmacy and doctors to get Taylor's prescriptions figured out. Ward temple night. Taking the young women to do baptisms Saturday morning. And ruining while trying to wash it and then having to replace a rug. Just life without any too much drama. And kids who love each other and often even like each other. I will take it.