Dear Family and Friends,
For starters, I had a WONDERFUL birthday. Thanks to everyone for calling, writing etc. After being able to sleep without constantly coughing Friday night (more on that later), I woke up full of energy. I was able to go cheer on Spencer's basketball game. Kicked Spencer off to a birthday party for the afternoon. And then Allison and I went up to Sundance to ski for the afternoon. It was fantastic. My biggest worry is always the parking lots as last year when I took Spencer it was an ice sheet where I just slid out of control most of the time. This time the roads were clear, ski was blue, crowds were gone and Allison and I just had a great time. This was her first time skiing. And I think my 6th. By the end our skill levels weren't that far apart! Came home tired and happy to make a huge salad and get Kneader's sourdough bread. Then off to a friend's 40th birthday surprise party for a quick visit. And then back for hot tub and cheesecake. What a great day!
This week went much smoother. Taylor and I had cold most of the week so we did the hacking around the house routine. Taylor just mostly had a congested nose that made for some stupendous sneezing incidents. I had that dry cough that just wouldn't stop. Worst was at night when I just could not stop coughing. Felt better Thursday night and went with the stake to another ward's temple night. They are having every ward in our stake do a special session with the temple presidency after all the regular sessions. Was a really neat evening even though 8:30 to start seems really late. I did great until the last 10 minutes when despite the constant sucking of butter rum lifesavers that dang cough reappeared and didn't leave. I had it seemed like every lady on the row digging in their pockets for cough drops. I had quite a supply by the time I was able to run back to the dressing room, still coughing! for a drink. Hence why being able to sleep now feels so luxurious!
Best part of being sick is that kids were extra helpful. Came home from preschool carpool to find that Spencer and Allison had beat me home and were putting away groceries. Or Friday morning after being up most of the night I just wasn't functioning so I went back to bed after kids were up. They got themselves ready for school and Allison brought me toast and tea in bed so I could snooze for an extra hour.
Jeremy continues to work hard and put in the extra hours. He had a friend this week make Spencer a new retainer and another friend come over and fix his quad just in time for another snowstorm. Friends really do make the world a better place. Besides working he put up with my coughing in his ear all night and chipped in as much as possible to help out. Favorite moment with him this week is Saturday night when Robyn straddle runs down to the kitchen to ask him to wipe her bum as the poop won't come off (I pulled the birthday card on this one). Afterwards Robyn tells him "I knew you could do it Daddy" Jeremy thought it was nice to have his skills appreciated. This is after spending the day watching Taylor and Robyn and then taking apart and fixing the garbage disposal that had been gummed up by rotten fish parts - a smelly and disgusting task. What a guy.
Spencer had a big week this week with scouts receiving his Arrow of Light. They made a big deal out of it which was cool. He continues with basketball and although his skills are weak they are getting better. I just have to admire his coach - the patience of Job I tell you. Friday we went to the pet store to stock up on our animal life. Spencer got a hermit crab for his friend's birthday present and was excited to set up a little home for him. Then he also picked out a new fish and frog for his aquarium. His aquarium was a toxic chemical experience which is why the garbage disposal broke. But it sure looks cool now. I started painting Spencer's room this week. It already makes a big difference. It is taking longer than I thought but I am planning to have it done this week. He has been sleeping in the basement and I want him back in his bed and all his stuff out of our room.
Robyn continues to be a bubbling, energetic piece of personality. My favorite moment this week with her is watching her run out to me from preschool, first in line, holding her Chinese lantern craft in her hand, with the biggest smile on her face. She got to play with a lot of friends this week which she loves and I appreciated. She is always asking what she can do to help. Makes me stretch my mind a bit trying to come up with suitable tasks and its not always cute. But a lot of the times it makes me smile.This is how Allison and Robyn eat their breakfast. Need I mention that they both fall often!
With the trip to the pet store....Allison is now a proud owner of a new baby hamster. The hamster cage is now in her room. She says she is old enough not to get scared by hamster noises in the middle of the night. And the doors have twisty ties on them to keep the cats out.
I realize how obvious it is which pictures were taken by me and which by Jeremy! It was nice to be able to talk to family this week and I am already dreaming about beach time!
Love, Heather
Sunday, January 31, 2010
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